
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (E-stim) is used for pain relief by sending a mild electrical current from a machine to adhesive patches on the skin that get transferred into the muscle tissue below. The current will fatigue the muscle spasms and relieve pain. 

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Ultrasound therapy is designed to heal injured tissues quickly and is used when patients are in a lot of pain. Ultrasound uses sound waves that are created by vibrating crystals inside the head of the ultrasound wand. The rapid vibration of the crystals creates sound waves that travel into the injured tissue to stimulate new cell production and healing.

Intersegmental Traction (IST table/roller table) induces motion into the spine to improve the spinal joints’ overall mobility. The extra motion in the spine will halt degenerative change in its tracks. The rollers within the table bed gently raise up to stretch and mobilize the spine. This ultimately creates relaxation by stretching the muscles and ligaments attached to the spine. This is one of the most gentle and relaxing therapies in the office and is loved by all patients.

Therapeutic Exercises are used to restore neuromuscular dysfunction by improving patients’ mobility, flexibility, strength, and balance. The stretches and exercises will be used as a supplement to the adjustment to strengthen the spine. This will allow the patient to heal faster and have less chance of re-injury.

Soft tissue therapies (Graston technique, trigger point therapy, and myofascial work) will address the muscle components that are often associated with irritation to the spine. This will improve range of motion, promote flexibility, lower pain, and decrease a patient’s recovery time.